Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cooper's 4th Birthday

Cooper had a wonderful birthday week. We can't believe our little boy is already four. It has gone so fast. He is acting so much older lately. He started off his birthday week by celebrating at preschool. Mom baked cupcakes and he got to take them and celebrate with his classmates. Then On Friday he got to hang out with Nanni and Boppi Owen at the farm with Grandma Verla. After dad got off work we went to Applebees (per Coop's request). It was very yummy. Then onto a show at Beasley. We saw Pippi Longstocking. The kids had a nice time. On Saturday Cooper had a birthday party with his friends. They had fun playing in the sandbox, on the playset, eating cupcakes again, opening presents, and trying out a pinata. It was a pull string one and unfortunately didn't work like it was supposed too. Daddy had to break open the bottom. All the kids scrambled for candy and toys. Cooper has one more week of school and then he is out for summer break. We can't beleive he will finish his first year of preschool. It seems really early for school to get out, but they end one week before the college kids do. We are so excited for summer!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a wonderful Easter weekend! Nanni Vicki came to visit. We had a lot of fun going to the annual Genesee Easter egg hunt. The boys received dollar bills, candy, and toys in their eggs. We dyed easter eggs. Charlie thought the dye was a drink and kept trying to taste it with the spoon. His lips were a little purple. Coop had fun dying the eggs one color, then putting the dyed egg into another color to see what color it would turn. We were up at 4:30 am Easter to go to the sunrise service at Coredlia. We woke the boys up at 5am. They had fun going through their Easter baskets before we left. As we were getting into the car to go to church, Cooper said, "Where are we going?" I told him we were going to church, and he said "In the night time." It was so cute. We went to the oldest Lutheran Chuch in Idaho, which is about 20 minutes from our house, here in Genesee. There are rolling hills all around it. It was a wonderful service! It was just like little house on the prairie. They only use the church for Easter sunrise services, weddings, and a few concerts in the summer. There is an outhouse off to the right and a a little Cemetery with about five grave sites behind the church. It holds about 100 people. There is no electricity or heat. Charlie was back down for a nap by 8:30am. Mom cooked us a wonderful Easter dinner. Christ is Risen! Hallelujah!