Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Emma at 6 1/2 months

Emma is now trying to sit up. She prefers not too though. She starts to get mad. She is eating second foods now and is getting used to the food more. Not really interested in cereal much. But, is eating her fruits and veggies. She started blowing through her lips to make her lips vibrate. A way to describe what she is doing is that it sounds like car sounds. She copies us when we do it. She's still grunting. I heard a da come out of her once, but nothing since. She loves her brothers and watching them throughout the day. She looks for them in the morning when she wakes up. She still doesn't like to roll over much. She will do it every once in a while. She is so much fun to have around.
She sat up for about 5 seconds and started to cry right after I took this photo.

Watching T-ball with mom.

Then fell asleep.

First Day of Kindergarten

Today the alarm went off in Cooper's room at 6:45. Charlie was yelling, "Dad, Dad, Dad..." I went up and Cooper was already dressed. He was very excited. He ate breakfast, did his hair, brushed his teeth and was ready to walk to the bus stop. We were even late and were running to the bus. I didn't even have time to hug and kiss him, but I got a picture. He sat with Anna our neighbor. We got in the van and went up to school to watch him get off the bus. He had the biggest smile. I then got my hug and kiss. Charlie, Emma and I just walked up the hill to pick him up. He had a great time. He said him and Shelby read a book. They had circle time, did some rhyming games, drew a picture of himself, had recess, snack, etc. He said he met some new friends. He is ready to go back tomorrow. I am glad he did so well and hope each day is easy as today.

Charlie had a little rough time with Cooper being gone. We did our preschool and he did very well. He brought his backpack to the Owen preschool. Megan is home schooling Charlie since he can't go to preschool like Cooper did. She couldn't pick them both up since they would get out at the same time. This week's theme is, "All About Me." So we are doing many activities that are all about Charlie. We made a board that has the weather, day, date, month, and a job chart. Megan has a discovery center everyday, they read a book, do an art project/gross motor skills/music, and group activity (mom, Emma, Cooper when he is around). He loves it. Today he started working with his workbook. We worked on fine-motor skills that involved following a maze. He did wonderful.

We are very proud of our boys. They are growing up before our eyes.

Open house.

Charlie wanted to be in a picture to with Cooper.

Getting on the school bus.

And they are off.

Getting off. Look at that smile.

Anna, our neighbor was so helpful.

Charlie's preschool. Today for center he put fun dough on the letters in his name. He listened to instructions so well and had fun.

Finished product.


The boys had a great time playing T-ball together this year. Cooper knows exactly what he is doing since he has played for three years now. Charlie ran to the pitchers mound the first time he bat. He picked up the rules fairly quickly. He liked the girls that helped him out. Cooper will now move up to regular t-ball next year. It was fun to watch both boys play a sport together.

Bowling with Playgroup Friends

We went bowling with our friends a few weeks ago and had a great time. This was Charlie's first time and Cooper's second. The boys had a lot of fun. Cooper even tried bowling without the stand and bumpers. The ball made it all the way down to the pins. He was excited about that. He had to throw the ball normal and was excited he could do that. He may have left a few dents. Hopefully not. :) There is a great program where bowling is free for kids in the summer. We only made it one time this year.
Bowling fries are the best! Thanks Careen.

Charlie was excited!

Cooper bowling without the stand.

Elizabeth, Joel, Charlie, Cooper, Chloe, Walter, and Derek.

Emma was a happy little girl watching. She eventually fell asleep laying down in this stroller with all the loud noise and music.

Cooper bowling with the stand. I didn't get a video of him not using the stand.

Charlie bowling.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dietary Results from Breastfeeding Study

I just finished up with the seven week breastfeeding study I was involved with at the U of I. They haven't started testing the cells in my milk yet, but they did provide me with my dietary results. I was given six pages of information on my daily food intake. Before I started the study I was taking in 94% of the calories that I was supposed to be taking in while breastfeeding a baby. My average calorie intake was 2285.80. The calories from saturated fats was 183.61 which is right at 84%. I was very surprised to see my fiber intake was at 116%. I am horrible at eating my veggies.

I stayed in about the same range for calorie intake when I was on the whole fat dairy diet. My average for total calorie intake was 2301.93, which is right at 95%. But, the calories from saturated fats jumped to 311.38, which is 142%. Wow! Dietary fiber was still pretty good at 84%.

From being on the nonfat diet, my calorie intake went down to 1714.42, 70%. That is a lot lower. And the calories from saturated fats was 80.08, 37%. Quite a difference from the full fat dairy diet. Fiber stayed in the 80% range again as well. I have noticed my milk has decreased again. I was thinking maybe it was because I have had a cold and haven't been feeling well. I think it may actually have to do with being on the nonfat dairy diet.

I have started drinking whole milk again because Emma did great. I even lost a couple pounds on the whole milk diet, where I gained .2kg from the time I went off the full fat diet for my two week wash out period and then from being on the two week nonfat dairy diet. We did go out of town for eight days though, which could be why I gained as well. I thought it was funny how I gained weight taking in 1700 calories and losing weight when I took in 2300 calories. Maybe I gained more weight during that two week wash out period. :)

I look forward to hearing the results from the breast milk. They said it could take up to 12 months. It was an interesting study to be part of.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

School Bus Pencil Holder

Today was the Home Depot Clinic and the boys made school bus pencil holders. They had a lot of fun building. Gabe, Joel, and Elizabeth also came. So much fun!

Charlie reading the instructions. He is trying to do figure out what do next.

Charlie's finished school bus pencil holder.

Cooper's finished pencil box holder.

And here they are together.

Charlie putting on his stickers and Cooper telling us about his pencil holder.
Emma was there too talking to us and trying to get the camera. She giggled a couple times.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer Vacation

We just got back from an eight day vacation. We made our way to Lincoln City, Oregon to meet Nate's side of the family. It was a very long drive. We stopped and had lunch with John and Nicole in Walla Walla. It was so good to see them. Then we went over to the Johnson's and met the new addition to their family, Pierce. It was so good catching up and letting the children all play together. We miss all of them.

Nate holding Emma and Pierce. He is so cute! Three months younger than Emma.

Yes, Charlie is wearing Ayva's jewelry. He then came out with a pink high heel shoe of Ayva's on. Not too sure about this boy. :) It was pretty funny.

Then we made our way to the coast. We stopped for the evening and continued our journey the next day. We rented a condo and the boys loved the hot tub.

View from our condo.

Finding sea shells was Cooper's favorite part and Charlie loved the waves chasing him. That water was freezing. Nate did go swimming and he said it took his breath away. The boys enjoyed building sand castles or wrecking them (Charlie) and flying kites on the beach. One day we went to the Aquarium in Newport and the kids really enjoyed that. We ate at Moe's twice. I had clam chowder every day we were there. Went to the outlet mall the last day we were there to do some school shopping for Cooper. It was good to spend time with Nate's family and see cousins that we haven't seen in years.
At the Aquarium.

Love this picture of the boys.

The boys going to chase waves with Boppi.

Cooper, Charlie, and Savannah running and playing in the waves with Boppi and dad.

Emma telling us about her first trip to the coast.

On the way home we stopped to see the Walkers. The boys had a blast playing together. Cooper didn't want to leave. We had a great time! We stopped by the Multnomah Falls on the way to Boise.
The boys loved the Falls. Coop wanted to walk up to that higher bridge. We told him next time.

We spent the night in La Grande and got into Boise around 1ish the next day. It was fun spending time with mom, dad, and Grandpa. We took the boys to the Farmers Market and the Boise Zoo. We traveled home Sunday and poor Coop got carsick. Too much driving. We drove for 5 days out of the 8. He got sick around Riggens and we had to pull off to clean the car a bit. Needless to say he didn't have a booster seat on the way home from Riggens. He felt better once we got back on the road. It was fun, but exhausting.

The Giraffe's were awesome! This was our first time seeing them.

Farmer's Market. This was the boys most favorite part of the day.

And a family photo.

The boys running through the fountain at the Farmer's Market.

Charlie took a picture of mom and I.