Sunday, January 3, 2016

Winter Break!

Where has the time gone?  I have not updated our blog since September.  Yikes!  Well since I have some time, I thought I would add some photos to the blog and let you all know what we have been up to.  We have been busy as usual.  We had a wonderful winter break  and are ready for the week to begin tomorrow.  It has been really nice!  We hope all of our friends and family had a wonderful holiday as well.

All ready for "The Grinch" Christmas Program.

Nanni Vicki came to visit, bring presents and watch the school program. 

 Grandma Verla came to watch!

 Mr. Grinch Part 1 (Charlie)

Mr. Grinch Part 2 (Charlie)

Old Man Winter (Emma)

Rocking around the Christmas Tree (Coop)

Grinch Drumming (Coop)

Run Run Rudolph (Emma) 

Snow Flakes Falling (Charlie)

Where are you Christmas (Coop)

Oh we got it!

 Nate's parents took Nate and the kids to Locomotive Park for the amazing lights display.

Charlie is part of GES (Genesee Elementary Singers) and there was a concert one night.  Coop also played his trumpet at this concert.  Videos to come!  We have not downloaded them yet off of the video camera.

 Decorating the tree for mom and dad. :)

On the first day of summer vacation we finally used the kiddos coupons to the aquatic center.  They got them when they finished swimming lessons over summer.  :) 

I wish I had got some video of Nate going on that water feature.  :)

Day 2 of Winter break the kiddos went sledding!

There was a lot more sledding out at the farm with Nate's family over break as well!

Day 3 we went bowling after worship.  Cooper came home with a flyer for the 3rd annual Christmas Party at a bowling alley and so we joined in on the fun!  They got two free games of bowling and got to pick out a toy.  They even did trivia throughout and Cooper won a tablet! 

Thanks Mom for the Starbucks! :) Yum! 

Kids got to pick out a Christmas gift each.  Emma picked a nerf gun, Coop a WSU hat, and Charlie a stocking filled with goodies.  

Oh mom was super sore the next day.  :)


Nate whooped us both times!

Drive home!

All ready for the Christmas Eve service!

Emma helping set the table for Christmas Eve dinner.

Uncle Nic came to visit too!

The children's gifts are priceless.

 Christmas dinner!

Christmas out at the farm!  

Emma made everyone cookies with her new easy bake.

Unfortunalty a couple of days after Christmas Emma got sick.  

Coop had it by New Year's Eve.  :(  So far, Charlie has not gotten it.

Charlie and mom watched the NYC ball drop. Emma slept through it. 

When Cooper felt better, we took a drive out in the country.  We saw 13 elk and one deer. 

Nate smoked a turkey.  It was fabulous! 

Nanni Vicki and Boppi found Pie Face. It was a fun game! These videos were at the end where the kids just wanted to keep turning it to get hit in the face.  It was quite funny watching Nate's aunts, uncles, and parents get it in the face.  :)

Now it is back to work and school!  Emma and Charlie are auditioning tomorrow for "The Jungle Book" with the Children's Missoula Theatre.  They are pretty excited.  I hope Emma does it! :) 

Happy New Year Friends and Family!