Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Tonight was friends and family night at the Lewiston Civic Theatre for Charlie.  He is onto his next show, "The Best Christmas Pageant."  Charlie has his first lines at the end of the show.  He remembered them!  Of course I didn't get any videos or pictures after the beginning started because there is no flash photography, but I snuck a few. :)

 Ready for the first show with a live audience tonight!

 They passed out candy canes before the show.  Yummy!

 Here they come!

 Singing "Let there be Peace on Earth."

 Singing, "The Little Drummer Boy."

 Emma and I made it to the show tonight.  She would not give me her blanket.  She was pretty tired, it was a late night.  Coop started basketball tonight and Nate is helping coach the 3rd-4th grade team.  They will get to come to opening night tomorrow.

Emma was out as soon as we left.  Tired girl! 

The Christmas Pageant will be showing for the next three weeks, December 5th-December 22nd.  You can go to to order tickets.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


This year we went to Boise and are still here visiting all of our family.  We have had a nice time!  We spent Thanksgiving morning with Nate's family and the afternoon with Megan's.  It has been a pretty relaxing week and we will head home tomorrow.  We hope you all had a wonderful holiday with friends and family.  Below are a few pictures from our trip.



 Grandchildren with Great Grandpa Owen

 Nate's side of the family.

Thanksgiving at Megan's.  I only got two pictures.

 Ice skating with Uncle Nic

 Emma loved it!

 There were a lot of falls. :)

 Uncle Greg came too!  So fun!  We are going to be sore!

We went and saw, "Frozen" while Nate was duck hunting.  Was a really cute movie!

 Nate had fun duck hunting with Uncle John and Cousin Chris.  He got to go twice!  Thanks Uncle John!  These poor sweet looking ducks.  :(  They became dinner. 

 Aunt Linda took us all to Jump Time!  So fun!  Thanks Aunt Linda!

Worn out!

Friday, November 15, 2013


We are so excited for snow!  Here it comes!!  

 A photo Nate took as he was walking to his car on WSU campus tonight.  It is so pretty!


Yeags is so excited for the snow too. He is trying to give Charlie a kiss.  The boys are out playing in the snow and Emma is snug in her bed where I want to be. :) Enjoy the snow everyone!

and an hour later.....

 Watching, "The Polar Express, drinking hot cocoa and eating popcorn.  Yum!  Spoiled boys.  This is what we do when dad is gone. :)


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fun Filled Weekend!

We have had a busy and fun weekend!  And it is only half over!  Charlie went to spark art after school on Friday, which he is enjoying.  Cooper is walking home now!  Friday evening Coop had a 4-H bonfire.  All the kids had a blast!  Nate had a whiskey society meeting.  Boys had a slumber party with mom, so when Nate got home at midnight he had to sleep in the boys bed.  :)  Today was Coop's last soccer game.  He played really hard and scored a goal.  They lost their game by two points.  Their overall standings were 4 wins and 2 losses (I think).  He is ready for Spring soccer.  :)  They had a celebration after at Fizzari's Pizza.  Yum!  Before heading home, we went trick-or-treating downtown Lewiston.  Cooper is getting so big, he didn't want to dress up and just wore his soccer uniform.  After getting home, mom went on a fire call for a couple hours then we headed to church for the annual spaghetti dinner and carving pumpkins.  What fun!

Only one photo from bonfire. The others didn't turn out.

And Thurday Nate shot a 4X5 buck.  He was pretty excited! 

A big thanks to Mark for helping him haul it out.