Thursday, February 24, 2011

Emma's Cool Diaps

Megan won a contest on a blog website. She received a couple packs of cool diaps. The company asked for a few photos of Emma and they uploaded them on their site. You can view them at

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More February Fun

Emma's latest trick is standing up. She started this week to pull her self up with out help. This morning I was able to capture some video. She was excited to take her bath.

New hideout with Coop.

So much fun! She even goes in Coop and Charlie's forts.

Coop pushed Emma around in the laundry basket. She had a great time.

Sitting at the table like a big girl eating her waffle. This girl wants nothing to do with baby food anymore. It makes it so much harder to feed her.

Cooper relaxing watching a movie.

Emma getting a ride.

Cooper capturing some video of Emma in her new hide out. Not the best video.

Standing up.

Febraury Snow Storms

We have been getting hit with quite a few snowstorms this month. It has been a lot of fun. Kids have enjoyed sledding and playing with friends, making snowmen and snowhouses and driving trucks around in the snow. We received about 15 inches last week and didn't get a snow day. This week Coop got a snow day because we got some wind with the snow. Another storm is coming in tonight with up to 8 inches expected. Snow day tomorrow? We shall see.

Deck view. Notice the chair out there. It was nice enough to sit in it just a few day before this storm.

The boys building a snow house.

Yeags enjoyed going in as much as the boys. :)

Daddy helped dig out the house.

Cooper poking his head in from the other side.

Yeager rubbing his face in the snow. He was so excited.

Getting ready to do some sledding on the mulch hill.

Mom what are you doing to me?

Charlie catching snowflakes with Jackson. YUM!

Waylon, Jackson, Coop, Emma and Charlie. They had such a good time together.

Thanks Carly for taking this photo of our boys.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The boys have been doing great in swimming lessons. Both Charlie and Cooper are in the same class this time, which makes it a lot easier. Cooper is defiantly at the top and Charlie at the lower end. Charlie is the youngest kid in the class. They are both floating on their backs for 10 seconds. Charlie loves the water. Cooper is swimming on his own and is now working on breathing techniques. That is a bit more challenging. We are very proud of how far they both have come. A couple more weeks of swimming and then soccer starts.

Charlie doing his back glide.

Cooper doing his back glide.

Charlie doing his front glide.

Cooper doing his front glide.

Emma's first birthday

Emma turned one on February 10th. We can't believe how fast this first year flew by. We celebrated by having a pre-birthday party about a week before her birthday. Nanni Owen and Grandma Verla were up visiting. We celebrated again on her birthday with Nanni Vicki. And then she gets to celebrate with our playgroup friends on Valentine's Day. She loved her cake. She liked the sprinkles on top (just like her daddy). As we brought the cupcake into her she was flapping her arms.

She has been enjoying playing with the kitchen set. She opens and closes the doors. She will put things in the doors as well. We gave her a 101 piece play food set and she loves it. The boys do too. She got a play phone, clothes, hair bows, shoes, and a tea set from her grandparents.

We love having our Emma in our lives. She continues to amaze us. Happy Birthday Emma!

The birthday girl hanging out with daddy.

Mom and Nanni made a heart cake. Thanks for the idea Tamra. Notice the few missing parts of frosting. That was Charlie who kept sneaking in the dining room.

Playing with the kitchen set.

Look at all that food! She was occupied for a long time.

Cooper helping her open her tea set.

Sibling love.

Charlie helped bake Emma's cake.

Thanks for the new bows Nanni and Boppi Owen!

The pre-birthday party.


And she was making a mess in her room. I had to get a picture.