Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Emma is 2 1/2 months old

Emma continues to grow. She currently weighs 11lbs 13ozs and is 23 inches tall. She is in the 70% and her brothers were always in the 10-20%. We are wondering if she will be the tall child. :) She found her thumb and loves sucking on it. She will sleep 7-9.5 hours at night thanks to her thumb. She is now cooing at us. She gets cuter and cuter all the time.

Enjoying some sunshine while mom waters the new grass seed.

First time we caught her sucking her thumb while she was sleeping.

And here she is again sucking her thumb.

Sucking her thumb.

Cooing with daddy.

Art Under the Elms

The annual Dogwood Festival is going on in Lewiston. We went to Art Under the Elms on Saturday with our friends. It also gave dad a chance to catch up on some much needed sleep from staying up all night at the build-up lock-in at church. The boys were so excited to go to a festival. We enjoyed walking around the booths, going to a Dogwood tea party, eating lunch, playing games, going in the jump house and down the slide and listening to the entertainment. Cooper also wanted to go on the strapped swingy thing (not sure what it is called.) :) He loved it. The guy kept asking him if he wanted to go higher and he said, "No". We had a great day with our friends. The Dogwood trees are absolutely beautiful at this time of year.

The ferry's are serving us tea and goodies.

Here comes Cooper.

Charlie flew down this slide.

All strapped in and ready to go.

Cooper Turns 5 years old!

We can't believe Cooper just turned five years old. He is growing up so fast. We celebrated his birthday at a park in Moscow with all of his friends. He had a great time. This week is his last week of preschool. Kindergarten registration was last week. He was so excited. We met his teacher, his PE teacher and he had to do an hour of testing. He did great. We are excited for summer vacation to start at the end of this week. He is busy with soccer twice a week and really enjoys getting out there and running around. We enjoy watching him.

Some of us enjoying lunch while everyone else is playing on the equipment.

Cooper requested cupcakes for his birthday. Cooper told us he is going to marry Avery, the girl to his left.

Winding up.

Yay, Avery knocked open the pinata.

Walter having a sucker from the pinata.

Adorable Natalie.

Derek enjoying the swing.

Opening presents. He was blessed with many gifts. Thanks you all.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Boise Vacation

I know I am a little late on posting our trip to Boise. We went to Boise to visit family and friends for Cooper's Spring Break. We started off by visiting our friends and Nate's business partner Boone in new Plymouth. They have two little girls the same age as Cooper and Charlie. The children had a great time playing together. Cooper and Charlie did not want to leave. We wish we lived closer to them so we could all hang out more. The next stop was Nanni Vicki and Boppi Brad's house. It was so good to see them. It had been about eight months since the last time we were in Boise. This was dads first time meeting Emma.

On Thursday we celebrated Megan's 28th birthday. Aunt Linda, Uncle John, and Beth came over for the afternoon and evening. We had a great time. The boys helped Beth and Linda decorate a cake and made Easter magnets. After nap we went to the Morrison-Kundsen Nature Center. That was a lot of fun.

Nanni Vicki and Aunt Linda with the boys at the Nature Center.

First family photo.

Charlie loved seeing the fish.

The boys in the bear cave.

Nanni Vicki and Charlie in the bat habitat.

The boys with Aunt Linda and Uncle John looking at the birds.

Cousin Beth with Charlie looking at the fish.

Uncle John and Nate.

Friday we had lunch with Brandon. It was so great to see him. Brandon is Cooper's god father and a great friend from high school. We had a nice lunch together.

Saturday we met Nate's family and drove to Twin Falls. We celebrated Nate's grandpa's 80th birthday. It was great to see family. It was a very long day without naps and Emma was awake most the day. We stayed the night in a hotel.
Charlie with his cousin Ariana.

Grandpa Owen and Emma. She cried through most of the pictures, but was sound asleep in this one.

Boppi Owen and Emma.

The next day we went to church with his grandpa. After church we stopped by Shoshone Falls. Cooper said, "Look at that smoke mom." We informed him it was mist from the waterfalls. :) Then we traveled back to Boise and stayed the night with Nanni and Boppi Owen.

Shoshone Falls.

Nanni Owen and Charlie at Shoshone Falls.

Emma resting at Nanni and Boppi Owen's.

Melody, Ben, Logan, Malia and Tim came over to visit us. It was great to see them. After dinner Brian and Nicole came over and we had a nice time visiting with them.

We had a great time visiting all of our family and friends. The boys can't wait until our next trip to Boise. Charlie tells us everyday he wants to go to Nanni's house tomorrow.

Emma is Two Months Old

We cannot believe our little girl is already two months old. She is now cooing, smiling, and loves getting kisses. She continues to sleep most of the day, but is up quite a bit now. She sleeps very well at night. She slept a couple seven hours stretches a couple weeks ago and one night we were blessed with 8.5 hours of sleep. She slept in her car seat all night the night we picked up Greg from the airport. On average we are up about one to two times a night with her. She loves her baths. She was not a fan those first few weeks. She is very relaxed when we put her in the sink. The boys love to give her kisses and talk to her. We weighed her right before her baptism and she weighed 12.4 lbs. She is gaining weight wonderfully. We love our little Emma.

Noticed her mobile for the first time on her swing. Unfortunately we can't find the swing cover and have to use a blanket. I'm sure it will turn up when she is out of it.

Charlie and Emma watching, "UP" together.
Enjoying her bath in the sink. Look at those rolls.:)

She loves Oreo. She will just sit and watch her.

Baby Chicks

We were very saddened to see four of our chickens being killed by a dog. We were left with two out of six. The boys were very excited to go buy some new baby chicks. We bought four Rhode Island Reds. They are supposed to be really good egg layers. While mom and Emma went to dinner with book club the other night, the boys all went to Lewiston to pick up the baby chicks. The boys love holding them. They are very cute. Already growing fast.

Cooper named his chick Sammy Reddie.

Charlie named his baby chick Charlie. :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Emma's Baptism

Today we were blessed watching our little Emma join the family of God. She looked so pretty in her dress. The service and message at church was lovely. We enjoyed having all of our friends and family there for this special occasion. We are honored to have Tiffany and Derek as Emma's godparents. We hope Derek and the rest of the family feel better soon. Darn flu bug. Our great friend Rosanna took pictures for us. Thanks Rosanna! The link to them is:

The boys had a very full weekend of Easter egg hunts. We started off by going to the LCSC game on Friday and after the game there was an Easter egg hunt with all the baseball players. The boys loved it. Although it started raining towards the end of the game. That didn't stop them from getting eggs though. Saturday was the annual egg hunt here in Genesee. Today we said our good-bye's to Greg and dad. It was wonderful having them here with us and meant a lot. We missed having mom here. The evening was filled with fun, food, and another egg hunt out at the family farm with Nate's family. We are exhasted. What a wonderful Easter! Happy Easter to you all. Christ is Risen! Alleluia.

Uncle Greg and Emma.
Boppi Brad and Emma.
Genesee Easter Egg Hunt. Cooper was too fast and gone before Greg was able to get a picture of him.
Happy Boy!
LCSC Baseball team. Coop and Charlie are in the front just a couple in.
Here is one of Cooper running back. His basket was full.
Easter morning.