Thursday, May 19, 2011

Emma trying hard to walk

Yesterday we saw Emma take her first steps. She started with one step and worked her way up to three. Then she was pretty tired of standing and trying to walk. Today we were able to capture some video. She is a little over 15 months and both boys walked at about 16 months. So she is right on track with her brothers.

Emma standing on her own.

Emma taking a step. I love her face expressions with her mouth wide open.

And she was tired of trying to walk and decided to go tackle her brother. :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Butterfly's

We had so much fun watching caterpillars form their chrysalides and then become butterflies. The process took about three weeks. Charlie and I were fortunate to get to watch a butterfly come out of its chrysalis. It was fascinating. All five of them seemed to come out around 9 am in the morning. One would come out each day for five days. We took them down to Lewiston on Friday and let them go in Kiwanis Park. They flew right up to the blossoms on the tree. I would recommend this for anyone with kids. It was fun to watch the whole process.

This is how they came. The caterpillars stayed in this cup for about 11 days and then we moved them to the butterfly garden after they formed their chrysalides.

Here they are in their chrysalides.

Here we go!

Opening up the butterfly garden to get the butterfly's out.

The boys and their friends all had fun holding the butterfly's and letting them fly off of their fingers.

Tamra captured a great picture of the butterfly after it landed on a blossom. Thanks Tamra!

Kindergarten Spring Concert

We enjoyed watching the K-3rd graders perform songs and dances last Thursday. They were all so cute! We were very proud of Cooper. He did so well. Enjoy the photos and videos!

Getting ready for the big performance.

The popcorn Dance

The Popcorn Dance

The Old Grey Cat

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers, especially to our moms for all they do. We love you! I was served breakfast in bed this morning and showered with many flowers and homemade gifts. We went to church and enjoyed watching the Easter program. Nate sang a few songs for the program. The young children sang Mercy is Falling. Well Charlie just smiled and looked cute. At the end of the service the kids passed out flowers to all the moms. It was so sweet. Enjoy your day mothers!

Warmer weather is coming

We have been blessed with a few warmer days. Our family was sick for many weeks with colds and fevers and Charlie had pneumonia. We are all healthy and enjoying every minute of life and hanging out with our friends again.

Emma is fascinated with the bathroom lately. She enjoys unwinding the toilet paper, trying to flush the toilet and raising the lid up and down.

And she enjoys taking all the movies off of the shelf.

Our baby caterpillars.

19 days after we got our caterpillars they are now hanging in the butterfly garden in their chrysalids. Fascinating to watch the process. We are anxiously waiting the arrival of our butterfly's.

Drake and Nate performing at the Lewiston Civic Theatre to raise money for Parkinson's Disease.

A beautiful day at the Lewiston Civic Theatre before daddy performed.

May day flowers delivered to front door by Cooper.

May day flower delivered from Charlie after Cooper left his on the front porch. :) I loved them.

So much fun!

Daddy's little girl.

Easter 2011

Getting ready for the Genesee Annual Egg Hunt with friends.

Jackson and Charlie are off. Coop was clear on the other side with his age group.

Emma was not at all interested in getting an egg. She didn't feel very well though.

All their goodies.

Dying our own eggs this year. It worked very well except the orange and yellows didn't turn out, but the bright color ones did.

Happy Easter!

And Emma decided to wake up and join in on the fun.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cooper Turns 6

Cooper had another birthday on April 17th. It is hard to believe that he is already 6 years old. He is growing up so fast. He is so helpful inside the house and outside the house lately. He has been doing a lot of ward work for us. He is doing great in Kindergarten and only has four weeks left. He adores his little sister, enjoys playing with Charlie and arguing with Charlie. We love you Cooper!
Easter egg hunt with his friends.

Emma loved his cupcakes.

Charlie enjoyed hanging out with all the girls.

Birthday boy and mom.

Owen Athletes

Soccer just ended for both boys. They have both learned so much this season. Charlie was able to go from mom and dad helping him at practice to being able to be out on the field with the coaches and other players on his own. Charlie is ready for 3 on 3 come fall. Cooper had a lot of fun as well. He was on an all Genesee team this season and really enjoyed playing with all his friends. Come fall they will add one more player to the games, so it will be 4 on 4. It is getting a little more competitive each season. Cooper will be starting T-ball next week and it will all be in Genesee. We are so excited that we will not have to travel to Moscow or Lewiston. They had enough kids that wanted to play to form four teams. Charlie will play Tykes T-ball in August. Enjoy the photos and videos.

Look at him go!

I love this one. A soccer mom took this photo.

Team name was, "The Vandal." Really hard to hear when you are a Boise State Alum.

Here is Charlie warming up. They had to run down this hill and back up. When he got back he said, "I'm tired." He is in the red coat on the far right. And we feel pretty bad because this is the only picture we got of Charlie. He missed a couple practices from being sick and that last week
had pneumonia so he didn't go.