Friday, November 16, 2012

Fall Soccer was a blast!

We love watching these boys play soccer!  Their skills are getting so good.  Charlie works hard out there and runs the whole time!  Cooper's team is actually learning how to work as a team, is learning plays and it is really fun to watch.  Coop was sad to see the season end.  This is his favorite sport.  Charlie had fun a good time as well.  

Our Charlie!

 Nate enjoyed coaching his team this year!

 Go Charlie!

 Charlie with some of his teammates.
He's ready!

Our Cooper!

Halloween 2012

The kids had a blast this year going trick-or-treating!  We walked around town for about an hour and they had buckets full of goodies. Emma loved it and kept saying "more candy, more candy."  It was also the warmest Halloween that we can remember without any precipitation.  After we came home we passed out some candy.  We had three trick-or-treaters was all!

 The first house we went to! 

 The second house really scared Emma!  She did not want to go up to this one. The pirate skeleton moved up and down and made scary noises.

 Emptying her full bucket!

 Yum!  Believe it or not we still have candy!

Decorating cookies!

Emma's Halloween Shirt from Nanni Vicki!

More goodies!  Pumpkin muffins.

And a couple fall pictures....

Cooper is such a hard worker!  He helps out around the yard so much!  This weekend Nate happened to be out of town.  We raked and raked! I drove the truck for the first time in over 10 years to the dumpsters and Coop helped me unload it.