Sunday, February 17, 2013

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Last weekend Charlie was a bat in the play, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."  It was kind of a spur of the moment thing.  We had no idea the Children's Missoula Theatre was coming to Moscow.  Megan read about it while at LCSC and Nate happened to be home with the kids.  Charlie auditioned while Megan was at lab and then she came to meet us.  Charlie got in!  He rehearsed the rest of the week and then there were two shows that next weekend at 3pm and 7pm.  The exact same day as the crab feed which Megan helped at all weekend.  It was a crazy, busy, fun weekend!  Charlie had a blast and can't wait for the next play.  As for the crab feed, Megan started helping Friday morning at 4:30am.  They made 600lbs of potato salad, had two ambulance calls before noon and then were back to help clean and pack 2000lbs of crab that evening.   The event was a success with over 1000 people attending the crab feed on Saturday. Thanks to all of you who supported the Genesee Fire Department!


And a few video clips........

Charlie is third in from the right side of the stage.

And this just happened to be Charlie's favorite part. :)

And my phone died after that.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Emma's Birthday

We just celebrated Emma's 3rd Birthday.  She is obsessed with pony's/horses.  Carly made her a beautiful pony cake.  We surprised her with taking her to a pony ranch and she enjoyed that.  Enjoy the pictures!

Emma picked out flowers for the alter at church in honor of her birthday!  The sun was very bright!

 Decorations the night before.

We woke her up bright and early on her birthday and caught it all on video.

 Thanks Nanni and Boppi Owen for the pony robe and the my little ponies!  She wears it when she naps and to bed.  She sleeps so well in it!

Emma got to light the candles before opening.  Charlie helped her.

 Singing during opening.  Emma has just started feeling comfortable enough to go up front and sing.  YAY!

Singing "When The Storm Roars"

 Getting to put three pennies in the church for her birthday!

 Family photo with our birthday girl!

 She wouldn't ride one, but she loved petting them, watching her brothers ride, feeding them treats and watching them do tricks.

Cooper and Charlie both got to trot and canter.  They had a blast!

The horse liked to play soccer as well.  The kids thought that was pretty funny.

 We saw three baby deer as we left the ranch.

 And we saw a coyote off the hwy on the way home.  Way up there in the center! :)

 The awesome cake by Carly! Thanks Carly!

 Singing Happy Birthday!


 Thanks friends for coming to celebrate on the spur of the moment!

Thanks Nanni Vicki and Boppi Brad for the horsey!

And the backpack filled with goodies!

Happy 3rd Birthday Emma!

Decorating and eating some Valentine Cookies.  :)


Our little basketball star!

Coop just finished another season of basketball.  He has learned so much!  He had a good time and is ready for soccer to start!

Dribbling and score!

 Nate refereed Coop's last game.

At halftime he played some pass with his sister.  Emma loved it!

Great season Coop! 

Megan is going back to school!

 Megan decided to see how many classes it would take to go back for the Nursing Program.  She is only 6 classes away.  There is a STRIVE reimbursement program for EMTs and Firefighters.  So as long as there is money remaining in the grant they reimburse to go back to school!  She is taking A&P this semester.  It is a lot of work, but she is really enjoying it.  She has learned all of the skeletal bones and got 25/25 on her first Bone Exam.  The next big bone Exam is next week.  She has gotten to go into the cadaver lab three times and has also gotten to see a dissection of the skull/brain/skull.  She will take the summer off and then take Chem 105 in the Fall. 

Christmas with Nanni and Boppi Stalling

Megan's parents came up to visit a couple weeks after Christmas.  We had a good time!  And of course the kids got to have another Christmas.

 Thanks Uncle Greg! BTW only one has broke so far. :)

 Thanks for the hat mom!

 And the towels!

 Emma helping dad open his presents.  New shirts!  YAY!  Just what he needed!

Mom wanted to go get a Pedicure, so we decided to let Emma come along.  She loved it!  Mom, Tiffany and I also enjoyed getting one.

 So pretty!

 Boppi and Emma out shoveling and playing in the snow.

Nate and I got to go out one evening for the Fire Department's Annual Awards Banquet.  It was fun getting dressed up to go.  We had a good time! 

Thanks mom and dad for coming to visit, all the gifts, watching the kids so we could go out, and helping with house projects.  Love you!