Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Vacation

This year for Thanksgiving we traveled to Boise. We saw both sides of the family. The roads were snow covered and the temperature was in the single digits. It was a slow drive, but we arrived safely. We had two Thanksgiving dinners. We started at Nate's parents and had a wonderful meal. His Grandpa, Uncle Mel and Aunt Sue came down from Twin Falls. Nate's brother Patrick, cousin Tara, cousin Jen, Ariana and Aunt Sharon also came over. We had a great time. The boys enjoyed playing with Ariana.


Cousin Ariana holding Emma.

Ariana playing with the boys.

Aunt Sharon and Emmy.

Later that afternoon we went over to Megan's parents. The Neilsen's, Schmidt's and Brother Greg flew in from California. Cousin Beth, Aunt Linda and Uncle John were also there. It was a wonderful family reunion. The boys enjoyed playing with Jessica (age 5) and Kylie (age 7). Cooper had a few over nighters with them. Needless to say we were stuffed by the end of the night.

Bread that came from San Fransisco. Thanks Nielsen's!


Classic. But, he fell asleep before dinner.

Kylie and Emmy.


Hanging out.

Friday, Nate enjoyed going duck hunting with Uncle John. They both limited out and had a great time. Thanks John for taking Nate out. Megan went shopping with her family after the craziness of black Friday was over. She had fun. That evening we went to the Botanical Gardens. It was beautiful and very chilly. Nate skinned his ducks and watched the Boise State game with his family later that night. I went back over to watch most of the game with my family and then finished watching it at Nate's parents.

Getting ready to go see the lights. Emma's first trip to the Botanical Gardens.

Botanical Gardens 2010. A tradition for us to go each year we go to Boise.

Aunt Linda and Emmy.

Saturday we got to go see cousin Tara's new place. Very nice. She has worked very hard and it shows. It was fun to visit with her at her house. We went and saw Tangled that afternoon. The boys had fun. It was Charlie's first time watching a movie in a theater so large. Cooper watched, "Horton Hears a Who" years ago while Charlie slept through it. He was so little. We all had fun. Then we spent the rest of the evening at Nate's parents. Now we are getting over colds and watching the beautiful snow fall.

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Snow, snow and more snow

We are having quite the snowfall for it not even being Winter yet. We had a huge storm before we left for Boise for our Thanksgiving vacation. It was awesome! The boys have been having a great time, but we are glad those single digit and negative digits are now past us for a while. It was so cold, they were not able to stay outside for very long. We haven't taken Emma sledding yet, but hopefully soon. She isn't too sure about the snow just yet. She felt a little this morning and then pulled her hand away. She then tried to touch it again.

Sledding in the snow is so much fun!

It was a little challenging for Charlie to walk through the snow, he kept falling.

Hi mom!

Brothers hanging out.

The icicles after we got back from Boise.

No more easy walks to the mailbox.

It is absolutely gorgeous up here with all the snow.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas Lights 2010

Every year we go down to Locomotive Park in Lewiston to look at the Christmas lights. We usually go the first night they are turned on, but mom missed that this year. Cooper was heartbroken because he enjoys watching all the entertainment. So, we took the kids down last night. It rained/snowed on us. We were a little wet after. This was Emma's first time seeing Christmas lights. Not sure she really even noticed. She was pretty happy though. The boys love to ring the bell on the train, enjoyed dancing on the platform this year to make the lights flash in the trees, and Cooper wanted a picture at every display. We had a fun evening.

The Snow has arrived

Cooper is on Thanksgiving Break and what a great day to wake up with a few inches of snow and not have to go to school. The boys have spent a good part of the day outside. Cooper more than Charlie. Charlie gets cold pretty fast. I don't blame him. The real feel temperature outside was 7 degrees. Brrrrr. We have a blizzard warning issued from 7pm to 10am tomorrow with 5-8 inches of snow. Yipppee!

Cooper pulling his brother around. Mom got quite the workout as well pulling the kids down the small hill on this road while Emma napped.

Yeags loves the snow as much as the boys.

Nate scared some of the chickens out of the coop this morning. They were not too sure what to do. The others were smart and stayed inside.

Sledding down the mulch hill.

Our decorations.

Cooper shoveling last night when it started to snow.

Charlie shoveled on Friday after Coop went to school.

Oh dear. Charlie posing.

So much fun!

A Few Random Pictures

Emma getting around the family room. I started her in the center of the room, she ended up over by the couch then over by the wall. Time to baby proof the house again. She likes to roll all over now. Today she made it to the front entrance. She will crawl a little if there is something she wants to get, but she prefers to roll.

Practicing with the sippy cup. She was able to lift it twice to get a drink.

Stacy made some pumpkin bread and it was so yummy. Thanks Stacy!

Emma loves bath time. According to Nanni Vicki, she needs some girly toys. :)

Tired daddy.