Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Tonight was friends and family night at the Lewiston Civic Theatre for Charlie.  He is onto his next show, "The Best Christmas Pageant."  Charlie has his first lines at the end of the show.  He remembered them!  Of course I didn't get any videos or pictures after the beginning started because there is no flash photography, but I snuck a few. :)

 Ready for the first show with a live audience tonight!

 They passed out candy canes before the show.  Yummy!

 Here they come!

 Singing "Let there be Peace on Earth."

 Singing, "The Little Drummer Boy."

 Emma and I made it to the show tonight.  She would not give me her blanket.  She was pretty tired, it was a late night.  Coop started basketball tonight and Nate is helping coach the 3rd-4th grade team.  They will get to come to opening night tomorrow.

Emma was out as soon as we left.  Tired girl! 

The Christmas Pageant will be showing for the next three weeks, December 5th-December 22nd.  You can go to to order tickets.