Friday, October 29, 2010

Emma at 8 months

Emma continues to amaze us everyday. She is learning sign language and how to say more when she is eating. She does, "So Big" now. She is clapping and waving bye bye. She enjoys taking baths in the big tub now. Her latest trick is playing peek-a-boo. It is pretty cute. Enjoy the video.

Was going into check on her to see if she was still sleeping and this is how I found her. She isn't to interested in being on her belly lately. We put her on her belly about three times a day and she getting pretty upset with us.

Charlie begged to get in the bath with her.

And a picture with the eyes closed.

She loved this. The picture turned out a little fuzzy.

Where's Emma?

Happy Halloween!

Playing peek-a-boo

Splashing around.

A visit from Cousin Chris

Megan's cousin Chris was headed to a reunion and stayed with us one night on his way. It was very exciting to see him. It has been over a year. Megan was pregnant with Emma. It was his first time meeting her. The boys always have a great time with Chris. It was great to see him and catch up.

Check out Nate's posture. He was a little worried. :)

Cousin Chris and Emma just waking up.

She is checking him out here. Not too sure.


We were thrilled to have a pretty unexpected trip from Nate's parents last weekend. Nate's dad was coming up to help farm and get the fields ready for planting. He really enjoys doing that. The boys were beyond thrilled. The night they got here, we celebrated Nanni's birthday. The boys picked out flowers for her at Costco and a yummy cake. Charlie told us he wanted the cake to say Happy Birthday Nanni Vicki Owen. He still get the grandparents mixed up. It was pretty funny. Nate killed his deer while they were here. The boys got to go for a tractor ride, which I think was the highlight of the weekend. We enjoyed dinners and evenings with Stacy, Steve and Grandma Verla. Charlie hung out with Nanni one morning and they had a big barn fire while Coop was at school. Megan was able to get a lot of work done. Cooper got to go out after school got out. Megan enjoyed getting a massage one afternoon as well. Thanks Mom!

The cake the boys picked out. Pure chocolate. It was yummy.

Happy Birthday Nanni. Greg wasn't too enthused with this picture. :)

Singing Happy Birthday to Nanni. I wish our boys would keep their clothes on. :)

Cooper was so excited. He even let Charlie go on the tractor first. Such a nice brother. He got to drive it as well. He had the biggest smile on his face.

And here are Charlie and Boppi. It was starting to get dark. They wanted to go again, but it was just too late.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Cooper planted his own pumpkin seeds this year in our pasture. He grew 11 small pumpkins. The pumpkins were the perfect size for them. There was even one small enough for Emma.

Charlie's pumpkin.

Cooper getting ready to cut.

The boys painted a couple of the pumpkins they grew.

We went out to the farm with Walter and Tamra to get a couple bigger pumpkins to carve. Stacy and Steve grew a ton. Thanks Steve and Stacy!

The boys carving their pumpkin. Charlie was not into this at all. He tried putting his hand in and it came right back out. Cooper made a spider from a kit that Cousin Beth sent us. Of course I forgot to get an after picture. I will try and get one. He did a great job.

And these two were playing in the bedroom while the carving was going on. :) I love this picture Charlie took.

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sayles

Nate was honored to be Brian Sayle's best man at his wedding a couple of weeks ago. It was wonderful watching Brian and Nicole join in marriage. Brian was Nate's best man when we got married 9.5 years ago. It brought back so many memories. We wish them a long and happy marriage filled with joy, memories, and love.

We also enjoyed spending the weekend visiting grandparents and cousin Beth. Cooper and Charlie got to spend the night at Nanni and Boppi Owen's for their first time without mom and dad. The loved it. After the rehearsal dinner, we went back to Megan's parents. When we arrived the next day to see the boys, Charlie told dad he wanted him to leave. :) It was a quick trip. Nate and I even got to go out for a date, which is very rare. We enjoyed going out for Japanese late one evening after the kids went to bed. It was so yummy.

Getting photos of Emma before the wedding. Nanni Owen bought her a beautiful dress for the occasion and also the hat. She bought the hat from St. Al's gift shop.

And then she wanted the hat off.

Best photo we could get of all three of them. The boys stayed with Nanni and Boppi Stalling the day of the wedding.

Nanni and Emma.

Emma and cousin Beth.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Apple Picking

Charlie had a week on apples for preschool. We decided we were going to go on a field trip to pick some apples. Tamra, told us Dan down the street had a ton of apples and we could come pick. We picked Cooper up from school one afternoon and went to pick apples with Tamra, Walter, Carly, Jackson and Waylon. We picked two boxes full. We canned 15 quarts of applesauce. The boys had fun helping us. We had a few sticky, messing evening in the kitchen. It is so yummy and worth all that hard work. We also bought a 25 lb box of peaches and made some peach jam and canned
peaches. A total of 18 or so jars of freezer jam is what we
ended up with between the raspberry and peach jam.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall has arrived!

The leaves have started to change colors, the days are getting cooler, and soccer has started back up again. Charlie is thrilled that he gets to play this year. Cooper plays Mon-Weds and Charlie plays on Saturdays. Cooper is throughly enjoying Kindergarten. He is learning so much and his teacher is wonderful. Charlie is having a good time at home with mom and Emma. He is learning about fire safety this week. Megan and him did a week on leaves, one on colors, all about me (charlie), farm animals, and apples. Charlie goes to story time every Friday. Ms. Connie is doing a Cat in the Hat theme for six months and we go to playgroup once a week. Megan continues with book club and enjoys getting together with the woman to visit once a month. Nate is again leading the high school youth group. Charlie has a great time going with Cooper and dad to Sunday School. Emma continues to grow and gets cuter every day. She is learning how to clap and we are trying to teach her some sign language. She concentrates very hard. It is hard to believe she will be eight months this weekend.


They run around the field to warm up.

Playing kick the coach.

The Angry Alligators.

Watch out!

Charlie and Emma hanging out.

Cooper hard at work raking the pasture.

Cooper's sunflowers just opened up a couple weeks ago. He was so proud. Thank you god for letting them bloom before it froze. :)

End of summer FUN!

We enjoyed our last few weeks of summer working in the yard, enjoyed a visit from Nate's family, a trip to Silverwood and going to the fair. Enjoy the pictures!

Painting the chicken coop pearl white after 5 years of saying we are going to paint it. Nate put in some windows from the Peterson farm and some chickens already decided to break through one.

Moving mulch to the church.

Hard working boys.

The boys made football stands for the month of September at Home Depot.

Emma hanging out with dad.

All ready for church.

Cooper loves to hold his sister.

Driving the cars at the Latah County Fair.

The pigs were Charlie's favorite at thing at the fair.

This picture is so cute. Goat kisses.