Monday, December 27, 2010

A baby is Born!

We had a wonderful holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus. Both sets of parents came up to visit, Megan's brother and Nate's brother. The kids had a great time having all the family here. We went to Christmas Eve service and Charlie fell asleep during it. Coop was excited to hold the candle at the end when we sang silent night. Nate sang a couple of songs with the Men's choir. It was a beautiful service.

Christmas Day began at 5:19am. It took Cooper a while to get Charlie to come down. Almost half an hour. Emma joined us at about 6:30am. We all were so tired, everyone in the family took an afternoon nap. At Christmas dinner, we asked Cooper what the best part of Christmas was. We were waiting for him to say something he had gotten for Christmas. He told us having the family all together was the best part. It was so sweet. Charlie said the prayer at Christmas dinner, "Happy Birthday Jesus! We love you and we will see you soon." It is nice to know that they realize what Christmas is about.

We have all been struggling with colds. Over Thanksgiving and Christmas now. We hope it passes soon. Megan has a sinus infection.

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.

Oreo was going crazy behind all the gifts.

This was the first night the boys ever slept together at home. Charlie did not want Cooper in his bed. They slept together for three nights and made it through it.

The gift the boys got to open on Christmas Eve, that lasted about 10 mins. We took it back and got one large remote control car.

Charlie and Emma reading with Nanni Owen.

Emma opening her gift on Christmas Eve. She got a doll stuffed animal and some pretty bows.

The boys cheering before Christmas Eve dinner with their OWN sparkling cider. They loved having their own mini bottle. They drank 1/2 on xmas eve and have on xmas day.

Charlie got to try his first progie Christmas Eve. They were so yummy. It has been about four years since we have made them.

The boys were tying to get a photo of Nate and I before the Christmas Eve Service. :)

I wish Nate was in this photo. Need to figure out how to set the camera to timer so we can all be in the picture.

Cooper and Charlie already for church. Charlie wore this shirt all day. Cooper went up and dressed himself. Mom and dad did not pick out the outfits.

The boys asked for blocks this year.

Emma playing with her toy Santa left.

Cooper helping Emma open her present. She got some new bracelets.

Charlie enjoyed Emma's presents the best I think. :)

Charlie loves phones and Ipods. :)

Charlie giving Uncle Spud his Christmas present that him and Cooper made.

The boys showing Nanni and Boppi the calendar we made for them for Christmas.

Emma hanging out with Boppi Owen.

Grandma Verla, Megan and Nate.

Uncle Greg and Emmy.

Trying to stand up with support from Uncle Greg.

Nate apparently gave approval for grandparents to buy these nerf guns. I did not. They do love to play with them.

The boys Christmas present to daddy. It is pretty cute and pops the popcorn very quickly.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Readers as Leaders

Saturday evening, we went to the U of I Men's basketball game. Cooper's Kindergarten class met their goal of reading 100 books in two weeks. They all received a U of I t-shirt and got to walk out on the court at half time. He had a fun evening hanging out with his friends. Charlie had a fun evening of hanging out with all the girls. ;) Now Cooper is working towards his silver goal of five hours of reading. He has read three hours and 10 minutes so far. If he reads 10 hours then he will make the Gold goal. He has until sometime and February to reach these goals. We know he can do it.

Here they come!

Emma had a good time dancing and watching the game.

Charlie hanging out with the 3rd grade girls.

Charlie sitting next to Shelby.

Meeting Joe Vandal. Charlie kept saying, " I want him to come over and see me." We finally went over to meet him. Aiden and Evie are in the picture with the boys. They live next door to us. Aiden and Cooper are good buddies.

Charlie wanted his picture with a cheerleader.

Charlie watching the game with Evie.

Christmas Program

The boys did a great job in the Christmas Program on Sunday. They sang silent night and did the hand motions. This was Charlie's first time in front of an audience. He did very good. We thank Uncle Bernie for taking some pictures. Our family was the 9th day of Christmas and we got to up from and pretend like we were getting a family photo. I thought I got a video of the kids singing, but something must have happened. It didn't come out. :(

Here is the link to the pictures:

Emma trying to stand up

Emma has been getting a lot stronger lately. She likes to hold onto the couch, bed, and even the sides in her crib. We have to stand her up, but she loves it.

Trying hard to hold on.

Emma showing off her stuff. :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Emma's first tooth

I just noticed, as Emma was playing in the tub, that she is getting her first tooth. It is barely showing and is coming up on the bottom center. Cooper got his first tooth at a year and I have no idea when Charlie did. I don't have it written down, but I am assuming he got his first tooth after Coop because we started brushing his teeth around 15 months. I love these first milestones.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Clause

Today we went to have breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Clause. The boys made a Christmas ornament, Santa read a story, and they sat on Santa and Mrs. Clause. They even handed out toys. The boys had fun. After, we went over to the McConnell Mansion for a candy cane hunt. We even got to tour the Mansion. It was huge and very neat to see what it looked like inside. We enjoyed spending our morning with the O' Loughlin family.

Shaking Santa's hand. Cooper has been telling us some Santa's are fake. But, I think he thought this one was real.

Santa reading a story to the children.

And the dads hanging out with the babies. So cute. And, Levi and Nate have matching hats.

Charlie was so comfortable in Santa's arms. Mrs. Clause is the mayor of Moscow.

Coop getting his turn on Santa's lap. Cooper got a car and Charlie got a paddle with a ball you hit up and down. Coop was upset, but I said, Santa must know you like to play with cars and he smiled.

Chloe and Analiese with Mrs. Clause and Santa.

The Candy Cane Hunt.

Chloe, Charlie and Coop climbing the stairs in the McConnell Mansion.

The McConnell Mansion. There were 570 candy canes spread out front and out back. So much fun! Our tree has a lot of candy canes hanging on it now.

Another 6 weeks of swimming lessons come and gone.

Thursday night was the last night of swimming for the boys. They have learned so much. Charlie is a little fish. He passed his tadpole class and now is a turtle. Cooper has a fear of back floats and back gliding. I don't blame him. They have to glide back to the platform on their back and it just freaks him out. He did everything perfectly on the last day of class. He was heartbroken when he found out he has to re-take the class for the third time. He wanted to pass so bad and he tried really hard. He has a few friends in frog and he wants to be back up with them again. We told him he did great and learned a lot. That it takes 3-4 times of taking this class before they pass you. He told us, "I don't want to be in Charlie's class." :( In a way it will be nice because we will only have to stay for one lesson. And once Cooper turns 6 he has to go into the colder pool. So this way he can stay in the warm pool a little bit longer. They were upset swimming was over. We can register for the next session Jan 27th, so maybe we can get in a Sat class and they can go once a week.

Emma is 10 months old!

On Thursday I heard Emma crying in her crib. It sounded like she was saying, "mama." So I let her cry a little and listened through the monitor just to see if she would say mama again. It really sounded like it, but more of a ma and not mama every time. She even said it again later on. But, only when she is crying. The boys said mama and dada around six months of age. However, her first word was YAY (she loves to clap). Her second word is meow. She likes to meow when Oreo meows.

Emma continues to roll all over the house. She doesn't go straight for the Christmas tree either which is surprising. She has only rolled over to it one time. Still doesn't want to crawl. She loves to sing when daddy plays guitar. She might be very musical like he is. :) She always has a smile on her face. She gets very excited when she sees her brothers. We love our Emmy.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cooper's first Winter Concert

Cooper had his first winter concert tonight. He had a little stage fright, but he did very well. The Kindergarten class sang two songs together and then grades K-3 sang two more songs all together. All of the children did great and we had fun watching. Emma even enjoyed clapping. Mom had a few tears.

Getting all set up.

The Kindergarten class.

Surrounded by girls.

Santa showed up at the end. Charlie raced up there to see him before I could get a picture. There were too many people and I couldn't get through. He got a gift bag from Santa. Charlie asked where the reindeer were. Cooper was so shy he wouldn't tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas, he just wanted to sit on his lap. :)

Singing Let's go to the Sea. They also sang My Dreydl.

Singing Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer grades K-3.

Singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas grades K-3.