Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fun around the Owen House!

We just enjoyed a nice week long visit with Nate's mom. The kids had fun. Charlie showed off some of his dancing for Nanni. See the video below. We took Nanni to Bulldog Bingo and Coop was so excited that he got a Bingo. Him and three others tied for the Silverwood package and he ended up not getting it in the end. He still received a prize. Visits with Uncles, Aunts, Grandma Verla and cousins out at the farm were fun. Nate and I also got a night out. We went out for dinner at the Broiler. Thanks Nanni for coming to visit.

Megan turned 29 this weekend. We spent the day watching the boys play soccer. Later that afternoon the boys made fajitas and German chocolate cake. Both were delicious. Thanks to Jean and Greg for the afternoon at the salon, mom and dad for all the gifts they sent, and all the birthday wishes from friends and family.

Charlie showing off his moves. Emma can climb the stairs now. She loves to go up them any chance she can get.

Nanni picked Cooper up one day from school. Grandma's love to take pictures. :)

Emma showing a few of her moves and drumming.

Emma loves to climb in and out of these. She also enjoys a ride when the boys are around.

Enjoying the sunshine.

Nate's first attempt at baking a cake. It turned out wonderfully.

Meggs and the boys.

The next musician in the Owen family. She loves to play that piano.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Charlie!!! You make me laugh, I LOVE your dance moves!!!!
