Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

Today the alarm went off in Cooper's room at 6:45. Charlie was yelling, "Dad, Dad, Dad..." I went up and Cooper was already dressed. He was very excited. He ate breakfast, did his hair, brushed his teeth and was ready to walk to the bus stop. We were even late and were running to the bus. I didn't even have time to hug and kiss him, but I got a picture. He sat with Anna our neighbor. We got in the van and went up to school to watch him get off the bus. He had the biggest smile. I then got my hug and kiss. Charlie, Emma and I just walked up the hill to pick him up. He had a great time. He said him and Shelby read a book. They had circle time, did some rhyming games, drew a picture of himself, had recess, snack, etc. He said he met some new friends. He is ready to go back tomorrow. I am glad he did so well and hope each day is easy as today.

Charlie had a little rough time with Cooper being gone. We did our preschool and he did very well. He brought his backpack to the Owen preschool. Megan is home schooling Charlie since he can't go to preschool like Cooper did. She couldn't pick them both up since they would get out at the same time. This week's theme is, "All About Me." So we are doing many activities that are all about Charlie. We made a board that has the weather, day, date, month, and a job chart. Megan has a discovery center everyday, they read a book, do an art project/gross motor skills/music, and group activity (mom, Emma, Cooper when he is around). He loves it. Today he started working with his workbook. We worked on fine-motor skills that involved following a maze. He did wonderful.

We are very proud of our boys. They are growing up before our eyes.

Open house.

Charlie wanted to be in a picture to with Cooper.

Getting on the school bus.

And they are off.

Getting off. Look at that smile.

Anna, our neighbor was so helpful.

Charlie's preschool. Today for center he put fun dough on the letters in his name. He listened to instructions so well and had fun.

Finished product.

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