Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dietary Results from Breastfeeding Study

I just finished up with the seven week breastfeeding study I was involved with at the U of I. They haven't started testing the cells in my milk yet, but they did provide me with my dietary results. I was given six pages of information on my daily food intake. Before I started the study I was taking in 94% of the calories that I was supposed to be taking in while breastfeeding a baby. My average calorie intake was 2285.80. The calories from saturated fats was 183.61 which is right at 84%. I was very surprised to see my fiber intake was at 116%. I am horrible at eating my veggies.

I stayed in about the same range for calorie intake when I was on the whole fat dairy diet. My average for total calorie intake was 2301.93, which is right at 95%. But, the calories from saturated fats jumped to 311.38, which is 142%. Wow! Dietary fiber was still pretty good at 84%.

From being on the nonfat diet, my calorie intake went down to 1714.42, 70%. That is a lot lower. And the calories from saturated fats was 80.08, 37%. Quite a difference from the full fat dairy diet. Fiber stayed in the 80% range again as well. I have noticed my milk has decreased again. I was thinking maybe it was because I have had a cold and haven't been feeling well. I think it may actually have to do with being on the nonfat dairy diet.

I have started drinking whole milk again because Emma did great. I even lost a couple pounds on the whole milk diet, where I gained .2kg from the time I went off the full fat diet for my two week wash out period and then from being on the two week nonfat dairy diet. We did go out of town for eight days though, which could be why I gained as well. I thought it was funny how I gained weight taking in 1700 calories and losing weight when I took in 2300 calories. Maybe I gained more weight during that two week wash out period. :)

I look forward to hearing the results from the breast milk. They said it could take up to 12 months. It was an interesting study to be part of.

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