Saturday, December 11, 2010

Another 6 weeks of swimming lessons come and gone.

Thursday night was the last night of swimming for the boys. They have learned so much. Charlie is a little fish. He passed his tadpole class and now is a turtle. Cooper has a fear of back floats and back gliding. I don't blame him. They have to glide back to the platform on their back and it just freaks him out. He did everything perfectly on the last day of class. He was heartbroken when he found out he has to re-take the class for the third time. He wanted to pass so bad and he tried really hard. He has a few friends in frog and he wants to be back up with them again. We told him he did great and learned a lot. That it takes 3-4 times of taking this class before they pass you. He told us, "I don't want to be in Charlie's class." :( In a way it will be nice because we will only have to stay for one lesson. And once Cooper turns 6 he has to go into the colder pool. So this way he can stay in the warm pool a little bit longer. They were upset swimming was over. We can register for the next session Jan 27th, so maybe we can get in a Sat class and they can go once a week.

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