Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cooper's first Winter Concert

Cooper had his first winter concert tonight. He had a little stage fright, but he did very well. The Kindergarten class sang two songs together and then grades K-3 sang two more songs all together. All of the children did great and we had fun watching. Emma even enjoyed clapping. Mom had a few tears.

Getting all set up.

The Kindergarten class.

Surrounded by girls.

Santa showed up at the end. Charlie raced up there to see him before I could get a picture. There were too many people and I couldn't get through. He got a gift bag from Santa. Charlie asked where the reindeer were. Cooper was so shy he wouldn't tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas, he just wanted to sit on his lap. :)

Singing Let's go to the Sea. They also sang My Dreydl.

Singing Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer grades K-3.

Singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas grades K-3.


  1. Adorable!!! I loved Coop singing Rudolph, that was so cute!! Who was the girl in the pink tights dancing next to him at the end of the song?? Thanks for sharing!

  2. I was thinking the same thing, Tiff! That girl was cracking me up.
    But of course Coop was the cutest up there! Great post, Megan. I love Owen Family updates! :)


  3. Thanks Ladies! The girls were super cute. I hope Emma does that. :) Coop needs to hit a little growth spurt. He looks so short. And I couldn't get him to dress up. He said, "I'm wearing jeans mom." Okay then. After he said, "Next time I will wear a nice outfit and a tie." He pulled out his Easter outfit. Some of his friends had ties on and I think it made him want to dress up next time.
